UASC Youth Club

The YMCA has partnered with Suffolk Refuge to establish a Youth Club catering to Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) residing in both internal and external provisions. Taking place every Thursday from 16:30 to 18:30 during term time, this initiative provides a platform for boys to socialize, engage in activities like pool and fuse ball, and enjoy an on-site tuck shop and music.

To enrich the experience, we’ve curated a diverse array of external clubs and activities, including basketball, police cadets, animal therapy, and cooking, offering the boys the opportunity to explore and sign up for activities that align with their interests.

Moreover, the Youth Club hosts guest speakers during its sessions, covering a spectrum of topics ranging from pumpkin carving to talks by the police about issues like exploitation. This inclusive approach aims to provide not only recreational opportunities but also valuable insights and knowledge to the attendees.

The Youth Club has gained significant popularity, attracting a varied group of residents each week. It serves as a dynamic and engaging space for the boys to connect, learn, and have a positive and enriching experience.