Ipswich Supported Housing for 16-21 Year Olds

Our Supported Housing – with Housing Related Support (HRS) – accommodation is for 16-21 year old, single young people in need of supported accommodation. The provision is staffed 24/7, 365 days every year. Young people can stay in this accommodation for up to 2 years in order to complete their support plan and gain the skills they will need in order to move on to independent living.

We have two types of accommodation available for our HRS Supported Housing. We have self-contained flats and hostel rooms.

The self-contained flats all have their own kitchen and bathroom. The flats are located in zoned areas as we have found that young people thrive better in smaller communities.

The hostel rooms are in a separate three story building, with shared bathrooms on each floor, a kitchen, living room and laundry facilities. Two of these floors are dedicated to our HRS provision.


How to apply


If you are in need of accommodation, and feel this accommodation is right for you, please phone YMCA Ipswich on 01473 252456 or come in and see us and we will be happy to discuss this with you. We will support you in completing an application form and interview.



Please consider making a donation to help us maintain our ongoing support for our residents


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