Childcare Policies & Procedures
All childcare Policies and Procedures will be reviewed at least once yearly by the childcare management team, and amended accordingly as changes occur or as and when legislation changes and it affects our Policies and Procedures.
- Accidents and First Aid (118KB, PDF)
- Admissions (128KB, PDF)
- Adverse Weather (78KB, PDF)
- Allergies and Allergic Reactions (106KB, PDF)
- Arrivals and Departures (92KB, PDF)
- Attendance (78KB, PDF)
- Behaviour (109KB, PDF)
- Bereavement (110KB, PDF)
- Cameras, Mobiles Phones and Social Network Sites (101KB, PDF)
- Caring for Babies and Toddlers (142KB, PDF)
- CCTV (107KB, PDF)
- Complaints (92KB, PDF)
- Conflict Resolution with Parents and Aggressive Behaviour (91KB, PDF)
- Critical Incident and Lock Down (113KB, PDF)
- Data Protection and Confidentiality (103KB, PDF)
- Early Learning Opportunities Statement (113KB, PDF)
- Equipment and Resources (92KB, PDF)
- Fees (107KB, PDF)
- Food and Drink (161KB, PDF)
- Food Play (85KB, PDF)
- Gifted and Talented (91KB, PDF)
- Gun and Superhero Play (92 KB, PDF)
- Health and Safety (267KB, PDF)
- Inclusion and Equality (134KB, PDF)
- Infection Control (96KB, PDF)
- Intimate Care (97KB, PDF)
- Late Collection and Non-Collection (108KB, PDF)
- Lone Working (97KB, PDF)
- Lost Child (96KB, PDF)
- Medication (133KB, PDF)
- Money (93KB, PDF)
- Multiple Birth Families (90KB, PDF)
- Nappy Changing (130KB, PDF)
- Non-Smoking (118KB, PDF)
- Nutrition and Meal Times (99KB, PDF)
- Online Safety (141KB, PDF)
- Outdoor Play (94KB, PDF)
- Parent and Carers as Partners (96KB, PDF)
- Prevent Duty (121KB, PDF)
- Promoting Positive Behaviours inc. Biting (119KB, PDF)
- Quality Provision Policy (94KB, PDF)
- Safe and Respectful Care (99KB, PDF)
- School Drop off and Collection (93KB, PDF)
- SEND (153KB, PDF)
- Separated Family (98KB, PDF)
- Settling in and Home Visits (107KB, PDF)
- Sickness and Illness (117KB, PDF)
- Social Media (124KB, PDF)
- Sleep (94KB, PDF)
- Staff Working with Their Own Children or Close Relation (93KB, PDF)
- Staffing and Employment (100KB, PDF)
- Students and Young Workers (102KB, PDF)
- Suitability of Staff (101KB, PDF)
- Sun Care (122KB, PDF)
- Supervision of Children (91KB, PDF)
- Supervision of Visitors (87KB, PDF)
- Transitions (109KB, PDF)
- Visits and Outings (106KB, PDF)
- Wellbeing in the Setting (94KB, PDF)
- Whistleblowing (141KB, PDF)