Time Stop participate in armistice remembrance

Time Stop residents were keen to do an activity for Armistice day this year. Some staff members found some historic photographs and facts about the YMCA and their efforts in which they contributed to the winning of the First World War i.e. The serving of teas and coffees to the troops and helping servicemen to keep in touch with their families back home.

Some of the facts were also based on the ages of the soldiers and their diets, which the residents reflected on.

The making of the poppies was a joint effort by staff and residents and residents learnt about the different coloured poppies and their meaning. This also sparked conversations around the residents feelings towards the various coloured poppies with some agreeing with them and some not.

The residents were invited to join the two minutes silence.

One of the residents stated that “It made me think of my great grandad who was one of the fallen, he used to write to my great Grandma before he died.” Another saying that “it was a great activity and important for everyone to take part in”.

It really encouraged the resident to interact with each other, it was very much enjoyed by all the staff and residents.