Tommy McLafferty Football Tournament

Dan Goddard from YMCA A2E Cambridge has let us know about a fantastic event that he has arranged and that is coming up shortly.

Dan has taken this on by himself and worked tirelessly on the event – even when the last two years covid has cancelled his plans. Not this time though pleasing to say!

Here is what Dan had to say:

After ongoing discussions (in fact months) with the Rotary Club and other hostels we have finalised organising the majority of a tournament to be held at The Abbey Leisure on September 18th.

There will be other organisations taking part such as Cyrenian’s, Romsey Mill, Riverside, Springs, Jimmy’s, the council, ourselves and other services in the same field who are TBC.

Look East, Cambridge Evening News and other high profile organisations are being spoken to by Wintercomfort to arrange publicity.

The games, which will be between 8 to 12 teams and over a period of 4 hours, will take place between 1pm and 5pm and will be officiated by professional referees.

St Johns Ambulance will attend and be present alongside other stewards and at least two staff to every ten young people in order to fulfill our commitment to safeguarding.

Over the course of the day there will be a late breakfast, mid afternoon lunch and an end of evening meal which will be available for all. The full details are still under discussion but may be a hog roast with veg options.

The engagement part will be massively beneficial for all as this is open to the general pubic who will bond with our service providers and young people as well as having a great day. A presentation award is being given to the winners of the tournament and also goalkeeper of the tournament – presented by a player from Cambridge United.

All of the young people playing at a game will get a free ticket to attend a Cambridge United game towards the end of the season and also have photoshoots as a big thankyou to them for taking part in a day which really can make those extra steps towards giving our young people more help and support on their journeys.