Room on the Broom

Week 1

This week in Easy Peasy Pods we have started a perfect book to take us in to the Autumn season, Room on the Broom. This is a fun story about a witch and all her animal pals and has lots of fun pictures and rhymes making it the perfect book for small children to join in with.

In our sessions this week we started reading through the story, having fun with looking at the pictures and learning the rhymes in the book. For our activity we have been working on our Autumn wall display and getting the room ready for the upcoming season. Our parents and children all had lots of fun making lots of colourful crops and fields for the wall and finding their creative sides. Next week we will be painting with broom sticks and doing some messy play.

Week 2

During week 2 Easy Peasy Pods we have been continuing with reading Room on the Broom. We have used some fun activities to accompany the book this week including some messy play with witch’s gloop and painting with broom sticks.

After reading through the book with the children discovering what happened to the witch on her broom flight and what creatures she picked up along the way we set up some gloop using cornflour and water for some messy play. The children really enjoyed this activity and although some were unsure of it to start with due to its gloopy texture they soon got stuck in and really enjoyed it. For our second session this week we created some art work with broom stick painting, we used various objects to help give the texture of using a witch’s broom to paint with including cardboard tubes and part cooked spaghetti. We all had a lot of fun making different works of art.

Week 3

This week for Easy Peasy Pods we have been doing some messy play with a witch’s cauldron. We have made up some jelly to use as our bubbling brew in the cauldron which our residents and their children had great fun getting stuck in to. Everyone had fun squishing the jelly in their hands and making a big mess, even some of our little ones who had been very cautious of messy play in the past had great fun getting stuck in to this!!

Week 4

During week 4 we have been doing some arts and crafts and making witches faces.

After reading through the book with our mums and their babies we have got out our paints and craft items and had fun making some witches faces. We all got creative making our witches with different features; some were green with spots, had warts on their noses and long straggly hair!! This session gave the children a chance to be creative and express their imaginations with their paints and the parents had a lot of fun getting messy with the children!

Week 5

This week in Easy Peasy Pods we have been playing with some creepy creatures! After reading through the book again with our families we discovered to on the witches broom ride she picked up a few different creatures along the way. We thought it would be fun to get out some coloured rice and hide a variety of different creepy creatures for the children to dig through and find; these included frogs and toads, spiders, cockroaches and bats!

The children had a lot of fun playing with the rice, digging this out using different tools and running this through their fingers to find the different creatures! Although some of the children didn’t like them the children also had a lot of fun inspecting the different things they found. This is a fun activity for younger children as the dried rice provides a fun sensory experience for the children as they are able to scoop this using lots of different tools and also provides a fun texture in their hands and being able to colour the rice also gives them lots of different colours to look at! Hiding things amongst the rice also keeps the experience interactive for them as they are able to find different things which keeps their interest in the activity.

Week 6

For the final week, Easy Peasy Pods we have been making flash cards. We read through the book again with our mums and their babies and have picked out some key words from the book and have used these along with the matching pictures to make flash cards.

Some of the residents are now starting to build up a big collection of cards for their babies so that they can read these with them and help with improving their language development as they get older.

