Residents have a blast at Lazer Tag

Some residents were given the opportunity to play Lazer Tag at Play2Day in Martlesham. Staff members joined in with the two rounds but they were no match for the youngsters. Sirus won the first game and Ethan won the second but the girls came a ‘very’ close third overall.

Photos were taken mid game just when the boys decided they would team up against the girls, which they were successful in doing so.

The young people enjoyed playing Lazer Tag because it gave them something different to do and, as it was a Wednesday, it helped to split the week up. They all expressed their desire to do more activities like this on a regular basis.


“I had a great time at Lazer Tag tonight, it really helped me take my mind off things. I don’t usually enjoy activities like this and was reluctant to go however once I was there, I really enjoyed it.”

  • Amanda


“I was happy that I won the game”

  • Ethan