Parent & child provision Christmas party

During the festive period, parent and child provision had their Christmas party. This was kindly arranged for us by the staff at Ipswich museum who put on a fantastic variety of activities for our mums and their babies.

We had a lot of fun at the museum enjoying lots of sensory play with glitter bottles and feathers, doing crafts with salt dough decorations and making ribbon hoops, painting and Christmas playdough and more. The staff at the museum also kindly provided food and drink for the party as well which was enjoyed by all.

All of our mums and their children had a fantastic time at the party and were really appreciative of the chance to do lots of different activities with their children and we even had a look around the museum afterwards at all the different displays.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff at Ipswich Museum for their continued support of the parent and child provision and look forward to working with them further in the future.