Our childcare settings celebrate success at Lowestoft in Bloom competition

Over the summer term both of our Lowestoft childcare settings entered the Lowestoft in Bloom competition.

Our children, with assistance from our staff, had to create a garden space which was full of colour and smells using a wheelbarrow and make a scarecrow out of recycled materials. The children really enjoyed growing sunflowers at home with their parents and bringing these back to nursery to be part of the display.

This garden space created an area that encouraged so much curiosity as the children observed the different wildlife that it attracted, and showed great enjoyment in helping the flowers to grow.

At the end of September it was announced that both sites had won, YMCA Childcare St Margaret’s won the shield and YMCA Childcare Water Lane won the trophy and a garden voucher for £25. We have been extremely proud and thankful of both teams for working hard and giving the children these amazing experiences.