Ian Dow receives prestigious YMCA award

Last night, Ian Dow was awarded the Gold Order of the Red Triangle. This is a very prestigious & rare award, made on behalf of the whole YMCA federation for a volunteer that has shown outstanding work for the YMCA at a local, regional and national level over a number of years.

The presentation took place during a dinner held in Granchester near Cambridge. The YMCA Trinity Trustees were joined by Reg Bailey, Chair of the National Council of YMCAs in England & Wales, plus Denise Hatton, CEO of YMCA England & Wales.

Ian became Chair in January 2014, but joined the Board in 2009. During his time he led the trustees in 2 mergers (YMCA with the Cresset and YMCA Cambridgeshire & Peterborough with YMCA Suffolk to form YMCA Trinity Group). He also influenced the YMCA Board & trustees to focus on growth of the YMCA and was key in ensuring the survival of the Cresset during 2008-2010. Ian was Chair of the YMCA’s National Chairs Network and held key roles within YMCA England & Wales, especially around addressing pension issues.

Steve Mallinson has now taken over the Chair of the Board role. Ian will continue to serve on the Board for a while and will join the Cresset Board.


Picture below: Reg Bailey Chair of YMCA England & Wales, Ian Dow and Denise Hatton CEO of YMCA England & Wales.