Gruffalo’s Child
What is The Grufffalo’s Child about?
One dark night the Gruffalo’s child disobeys her father’s warnings and ventures out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn’t really exist . . . does he?
The Gruffalo’s Child is the much-loved sequel to Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s bestselling phenomenon, The Gruffalo.
Week 1
Its week one of Gruffalo’s Child and we have got our parent and child residents very messy!
We have been creating marks in corn flour gloop, making it look like the Gruffalo Childs footprints in the snow, which we can see when we sat and read the book together. Both babies and adults really enjoyed making lots of mess with this activity and the texture of the corn flour gloop and looking at the marks they made in it. It was wonderful to see the babies growing in confidence throughout this activity.
Week 2
Week 2 of Gruffalo’s Child’s we are making salt dough Christmas decorations. We have given our parent and child residents the ingredients and the recipe and encouraged them to make this independently. After mixing the ingredients they then rolled out the dough and used some Christmas shaped cookie cutters to make their Christmas decorations. We then cooked these in the oven for a few hours and set them aside from the next weeks activity.
Week 3
Week 3 of the Gruffalo’s child we have got the residents to decorate the salt dough decorations that they made the week before. The residents enjoyed decorating the different shapes with different designs. We have threaded them with Christmas ribbon so they can hang them on their Christmas trees.
Week 4
Week 4 of the Gruffalos Child and we have been painting feet! We have got our mums and their babies to paint their feet to create pictures of the Gruffalo and the gruffalo’s child. The babies got to experience the sensory play of the paint using their hands and feet to play in the paint, this encouraged them to interact with each other.
Week 5
Week 5 of Gruffalos Child and we been creating winter canvas, getting our parents to paint their children’s feet with glittery paint. This gave the effect of walking in snow, just like the gruffalo’s child does in the story. The babies enjoyed the paint play, experiencing more of the sensory play.
Week 6
Week 6 of the Gruffalos Child and we have finished the 6 weeks of this book by holding our Christmas party. We welcomed our parent and child residents who enjoyed socialising with each other and they all got to meet Santa Claus. This was a great way to finish this book and celebrate Christmas together.